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Blog Archives

Playa Hermosa Asociacion


Welcome to the new Playa Hermosa Association website for the entire community of Playa Hermosa, Guanacaste, Costa Rica! We hope you will find this site both useful, entertaining and worth sharing with your friends, relatives, clients and customers. There is a wealth of information here and we'll be blogging often about what's going on with the Association, its members and our community as a whole. We hope you will visit us here often to keep up on what is happening here in Playa Hermosa. And don't forget to subscribe to our blog...

Green Christmas/Verde Navidad

“Green” Christmas/”Verde” Navidad

Almost everyone has heard the 1954 classic Christmas song, "White Christmas", in English or Spanish - or both! It's a song that evokes memories of Christmas almost instantly, even for those who've never experienced a snowy, white Christmas. Christmas is summer time here in Playa Hermosa, with no snow; just blue skies, balmy breezes and the gorgeous azure of the Pacific Ocean. That means it's "green" at Christmastime, figuratively speaking. Also, Playa Hermosa strives to be a sustainable community, focusing on enhancing the environment,...

Make a Difference/Haz la Diferencia

“It Takes a Village”/”Se Necesita un Pueblo”

It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us is a book published in 1996 by First Lady of the United States Hillary Rodham Clinton. In it, Clinton presents her vision for the future of children in today's society. She focuses on the impact individuals and groups outside the family have, for better or worse, on a child's well-being, and advocates a society which meets all of a child's needs. Basically, the idea is that an individual is influenced by the community in which the individual lives. But the reverse can be true...

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